The Arsenal Files 2
The Arsenal Files 2 (Arsenal Computer).ISO
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BASIC Source File
158 lines
' ╔══════════════════════════════════════════════════╗
' ║ Main Program Name : Parser.Bas ║╗
' ║ Last Update : 04/12/1994 ║║
' ║ Compiled with PowerBasic vers 3.00c ║║
' ║ ║║
' ║ Uploaded by: ║║
' ║ ============ ║║
' ║ Scott Tucker ║║
' ║ Creative Software Alliance ║║
' ║ 16 Lakeville Ave. ║║
' ║ Petaluma, CA 94952 ║║
' ║ (707) 778-1591 ║║
' ║ ║║
' ╚══════════════════════════════════════════════════╝║
' ╚══════════════════════════════════════════════════╝
ReDim A$(0)
' Example #1
'T$ = "This is a sample line of some words."
'Call Parser(T$, " ", A$(), 2)
' Example #2
'T$ = "This is a sample line of some words."+Chr$(13)+_
' "It contains 2 sentences to parse apart."
'Call Parser(T$, Chr$(13), A$(), 2)
' Example #3
T$ = "\mn /tp /op /t:rew /lfre /abcdefg -pdq -dA:filename"
Call Parser(T$, "/-\", A$(), 1)
' Print items returned from procedure.
For K%=1 to UBound(A$)
Print K%; "*" + RTrim$(A$(K%)) + "*"
Sub Parser(ByVal Text$, ByVal Delimiter$, Parms$(), ByVal Flag%)
' This procedure parses text based on a given set of delimiters.
' The delimiter can either separate the items in the string, or
' it can precede items in the string. The resulting parsed items
' are returned in the array PARMS$().
' Parameter Descriptions
' ======================
' Text$ = This is the string of text containing the delimiters to
' parse.
' Delimiters$= This is the list of delimiters used to parse the string.
' These delimiters can be any single string item, or a
' multiple list of items. Examples: "/" or "/\-"
' Parms$() = The array that contains each item parsed out of the string.
' This array is redimensioned (from 1) to hold the proper
' number of parsed items. It should initially be Dim'ed to
' Parms$(0) before being passed into this procedure. If no
' delimiters are found in the string, the array will have a
' dim'ed index of (0) and a null value is returned
' in the array.
' Flag% = A flag indicating whether the delimiters separate the
' string, or precede delimited items.
' 1 = Precede 2 = Separate
' The difference is defined as follows:
' Type 1 A type 1 delimiter means that you are only interested in
' the text that follows a delimiter. For example, as in a
' command line string, you may have a string passed into your
' Program that looks like Text$=" /n /o /d". The parser would
' return 3 items in the array Parms$(1)="n", (2)="o", (3)="d".
' All text up to the first delimiter is ignored.
' Type 2 A type 2 delimiter means that text is separated by the
' delimiter, an all values on both sides of the delimiters
' are returned. For example: If you have a string that is to be
' broken apart based on where a Chr$(13) char is inserted, it
' may look like this: Text$="This is"+Chr$(13)+"a sample."
' The parser would return 2 items in the array.
' Parms$(1)="This is " and Parms$(2)="a sample."
' Given these examples, it should be very easy to create other
' types of delimiters. For example, it might be desirable to
' have a delimiter type that is at the end of a string section.
' This would be the opposite of a Type 1, such that any text
' after the last delimiter would be ignored. Example:
' Text$ = "This is| a sample| text line."
' Call Parser$(Text$, "|", Parms$(), 3) ' type 3
' This would return 2 items; Parms$(1)="This is", (2)="a sample"
Local L%, T%, C%
C%=0 ' item counter
Select Case Flag%
Case 1 ' delimiter precedes items being returned
' Example Del="/" String$="/m /no /yes"
' returns 3 items
T% = Tally(Text$, ANY Delimiter$) ' number of delimiters found
If T% = 0 then ' no delimiters
ReDim Parms$(0) ' erase array values
Exit Select ' exit sub
End If
ReDim Parms$(1: T%) ' create array to hold items
Incr C% ' increment counter
L% = Instr(Text$, ANY Delimiter$) ' pointer for first delimiter
Text$ = Right$(Text$, Len(Text$)-L%) ' ignore all up to first delim
' since the delimiter precedes.
L% = Instr(Text$, ANY Delimiter$) ' pointer for next delimiter
If L% <> 0 then
Parms$(C%) = Left$(Text$, L%-1) ' get all up to next delim.
Parms$(C%) = Text$ ' get all remaining
End If
Text$ = Right$(Text$, Len(Text$)-Len(Parms$(C%)))
LOOP While Len(Text$)
Case 2 ' delimiter separates items being returned
' Example Del=Chr$(13) String$="This is"+Chr$(13)+" a test".
' returns 2 items
T% = Tally(Text$, ANY Delimiter$) ' number of delimiters found
If T% = 0 then ' no delimiters
ReDim Parms$(0) ' erase array values
Exit Select ' exit sub
End If
ReDim Parms$(1: T%+1) ' create array to hold items
Incr C% ' increment counter
L% = Instr(Text$, ANY Delimiter$) ' pointer for delimiter
If L% <> 0 then
Parms$(C%) = Left$(Text$, L%-1) ' get all up to delimiter
Text$ = Right$(Text$, Len(Text$) - Len(Parms$(C%))-1)
Parms$(C%) = Text$ ' get all remaining
Text$ = ""
End If
LOOP While Len(Text$)
Case Else ' some other flag
Parms$(1) = Text$ ' Bad flag
End Select
End Sub